For renewal domain on NAME.COM is very easy, we just need a few steps to completed renewal domain transactions.
In bellow is step by steps how to renewal domain on NAME.COM:
1. Please LOGIN to NAME.COME.
2. Please check on domain you want to renewal.
3. After that, please renew checked product.
4. Click renew checked product.
5. Type the coupon code promo on promo code column, or empty it.
6. On Billing Option, please select payment option you want to use. For example I use a PayPal, so I check on PayPal.
7. Check on I agree ti the registration term and conditions.
8. After that, please click Checkout.
9. You will go to paypal account, please do the transfer for payment transactions.
10. Finish. Your domain is successful for renewal.
I hope this article can help you.
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