Saturday, October 31, 2009

Google Update Pagerank on 30 Oktober 2009

News from blogger friends last night that Google Page Rank update and it is true, some of Kang Rohman blog page rank changes. Update this time feels much longer time span than that usually takes 4 months counted from the last update June 2009.

News amidst the rampant that Google is now no longer the focus terhdap page rank, is visible from the removal of the distribution of page rank in google webmaster and a statement from one of Google employee Susan Moscow but was eventually returned the Google page rank updated.

For those of you who are not engaged in the business Paid to Review, like Page Rank is not too important but for those who play these business, page rank is a major capital gain coins dollars on the Internet.

What about your blog page rank, up or down?

Friday, October 30, 2009

Facebook Secrets With Google To Rank Blog

I wanted to share something very `expensive` you might say. Why did I say expensive ,because the science is expensive. If you already know and understand about the science of anything you're likely to find success. This time I wanted to share a secret trick to raise rank blog. Maybe I share a trick that was wrong from the standpoint of the master SEO (Search Engine Optimalization) because this based on my experience and observation.

Some blogs I've ever been given a variety of SEO tricks that can be fairly difficult to understand and put into practice. But with siring I have trouble in understanding the SEO techniques that I can correct and observe SEO. What Google really want? so that we can blog was awarded the rank of the blog!?.

Here's a short thing that might change the rank of your blog it was just to pagerank 0 or 1 can be raised to rank 2 or 3.

First notice the word is used in making the title of the blog postings. Do not use the title already used by many other blogs to rival blog pagerank 3 or 4, it's no good to beat her blog at your blog to 1 much less pagerank 0. Unless it only rival blogs pagerank were also 1 or 0, please you use the same word for the title of your blog postings. Means the solution if you want to post an article and the title you use the same blog that was pagerank 3 or 4 will change the title of your post a little antique. For example the blog had pagerank 3 or 4 post with the title "original serial number windows xp", then you can change, for example as "illegal xp to original" or another depending on your mengkaitakan words.

An important fact in this second trick, this trick can still be valid if it is still a little blog that discusses articles related or similar. Perbanyaklah ie posting articles on "FACEBOOK" which is very widespread now his visitors and member facebook. Keywords that you use the keyword facebook at this point would be easy terdektesi by Google because now every day many search engines that use google with the keywords associated with facebook. Like "how to create a group on facebook", "how to see full size photos on facebook", "facebook smiley code", and others. So allow rank on your blog will soon increase dramatically. After that, do not forget to submit blog in three (3) famous sites of google, yahoo, and msn and blogwalking.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

How to Hide Your Facebook Profile From Google's

When someone is looking for your name on the search engine google or yahoo for example, they can get information easily

Like the names, photos, friends, etc.. which is in Facebook, For all that did not happen, you can apply the settings that you have Facebook to avoid the Search Engine crawlers.

It's easy, do the following steps:
1. Login to facebook
2. Settings - Privacy Settings

3. Select Search
4. Uncheck on "Create a public search listing for me and submit it for search engine indexing."
5. Save
A few days or few weeks Facebook profile that you have will automatically be deleted from the search engines

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

R.I.P. GeoCities: A Community is Killed

Yahoo has officially shut down Geocities.The company has said that it did not count the property among its priorities, so it is simply getting rid of it. Yahoo has shut down about 20 services in less than a year.

We learned that Yahoo would be closing the door on GeoCities back in April, so users have had plenty of time to migrate to other services. Earlier this year, for example, MSN partnered with WetPaint to allow people to create "fansites". After Yahoo's announcement, Wetpaint took the opportunity to announce a " bailout plan for foreclosed GeoCities properties," which it called the "GeoCities Asset Recovery Plan (GARP)."As it shuts down GeoCities, Yahoo itself is now plugging its own $4.99-a-month Web hosting service.

Yahoo GeoCities Ok, so there are other options for GeoCities users, but is just shutting down a community that still attracts so much traffic the right thing to do? Yahoo's way of going about it has been widely questioned. According to Compete data, GeoCities has still been seeing over 10 million unique monthly visitors as recently as last month. Why would Yahoo want to just shut that down?

"Then there's the fact that Google, not Yahoo, appears to be responsible for the lion's share of GeoCities referrals, sending about 31.45 percent of the site's traffic its way," noted Doug Caverly upon Yahoo's original announcement. "Yahoo's only behind of 16.89 percent of all GeoCities visits. So by closing GeoCities, for which it paid $3.6 billion in 1999, Yahoo seems to be turning its back on a large amount of traffic. Moreover, it's turning down free traffic from its biggest competitor."

"Carol Bartz may be trying to get Yahoo's costs under control, but it looks like sticking a 'for sale' sign on GeoCities would be at least one preferable option compared to a closure," he added.

But alas, it looks like the sign reads "closed" rather than "for sale." So say goodbye, and in the words of Richard Marxx, "hold on to the memory."

It seems unwise from a business perspective, but what about the users? Does Yahoo have an obligation to its users who may have spent years using their GeoCities site only to have it pulled from the web? Should Yahoo provide a forwarding web address for GeoCities users? After all, it was the GeoCities users that built their sites, promoted them and put up with sometimes annoying ads. A simple forwarding of their GeoCities url to their new home would be appreciated! Do you agree?

MySpace isn't exactly at the peak of its popularity, but there are still tons of people who use it. What if they just pulled everything? What if Google bought Facebook and decided to kill it? What if your Tweets vanished? Sure these things seem unlikely now because these services are still fresh. Well, GeoCities was once the "it" thing too. Granted, most GeoCities sites I have seen are not much to look at now, but that doesn't mean people aren't getting use out of them. They're obviously getting page views.

Here's what Yahoo is telling GeoCities users to do if they want to keep their sites:

On October 26, 2009, your GeoCities site will no longer appear on the Web, and you will no longer be able to access your GeoCities account and files. If you'd like to keep your web site, you'll need to move your site files to another web hosting provider.

We recommend moving to our award-winning Web Hosting service, which works a lot like GeoCities but includes a personalized domain name (such as and matching email, terrific new site building tools, unlimited disk space and bandwidth, premium customer support, and more.

Perhaps it's not worth it to users to go throgh the hassle of migration, but it has been nice to have their GeoCities site at least remain in tact. Well, tough luck. I hope you've gotten what you wanted away from it before Yahoo obliterates it. There are some sites out there that have not yet been shut down, but it appears that is only a matter of time.

Remembering GeoCities

GeoCities held a lot of web memories for a lot of people. There was a time where you could barely surf the web without running into one GeoCities site or another. Wikipedia provides a little history:

GeoCities began in mid-1995 as BHI, which stood for Beverly Hills Internet, a small Web hosting and development company in Southern California.

The company created its own Web directory, organized thematically in six "neighborhoods". The neighborhood included "Colosseum," "Hollywood," "RodeoDrive," "SunsetStrip," "WallStreet," and "WestHollywood". In mid-1995, the company decided to offer users (thereafter known as "Homesteaders") the ability to develop free home pages within those neighborhoods. Chat, bulletin boards, and other elements of "community" were added soon after, helping foster rapid growth. On July 5, 1995 Geocities added additional cities, including "CapitolHill," "Paris," "SiliconValley," and "Tokyo." By December 1995, the company, which now had a total of 14 neighborhoods, was signing up thousands of Homesteaders a day and getting over six million monthly page views. The company decided to focus on building membership and community, and on December 15, 1995, BHI became known as GeoCities after having also been called Geopages.

"It was perhaps the first mainstream example of an open, participatory and personal Internet," writes Mark Milian with the LA Times.

In early 1999, Yahoo purchased Geocities for about $3.57 billion in stock. Now a decade later, Geocities is no more.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

How a Blog Can Seriously Help Your Business

If your business website doesn't have a blog, get one. A blog, if done right, can act as a direct and indirect mechanism that brings large amounts of qualified visitors to your site, many of whom may become customers.

This is mostly related to the way blogs interact with search engines and the traffic I am speaking of will come from search engines, mostly Google.

Before I explain how you can do this to help your website, let me first give some background on how search engines work, Google in particular.

When it comes to optimizing your website (or blog for that matter) for search engines you must always keep in mind two things: on-page optimization and off-page optimization.

On-page optimization is the elements of a Web page that better optimize it to be found and ranked well in the search engines. These elements can include on-page content such as the actual sentences and paragraphs on the page, the headlines (or headers or Hx tags), the links, the links' text, the title tag and much more.

Off-page optimization means the things that are done on sites besides your site, namely link-building. Off-page optimization is the process of creating links (or causing others to create links) on other websites that point to your site. Inbound links as these are often called have a major impact on how well you rank in search engines. Generally speaking, the more inbound links, the better. But the quality of the sites with these inbound links, or the way the search engines perceive the sites, is even more important.

To rank on the first couple of pages on the search engines requires work on both on-page and off-page optimization.

Two additional and important pieces of information that you'll need to understand are related to site content and internal links.

Search engines also very much love new, original and quality content, and they like to see your website regularly adding this kind of new content. You don't need to add pages every day, just add pages at the same rate over time. So if you add a page a week to your site, keep it at around that same pace, or increase or decrease gradually.

A website can be considered a living entity in a sense. It certainly shouldn't be static. It should grow over time. And the fantastic thing about content is that the more of it there is on your site, the more chances you have of getting found in the search engines.

The idea that inbound links help your search engine rankings that I explained above can be extended to your internal pages as well. In other words, the more links to a particular page coming from other pages within the same site will boost that page's rank as well.

Think of it this way. If you had a ten page site, including a product page and every page on the site contained a link to your product page and, if all other things were equal, your product page would rank higher than the rest of your site's pages (besides the home page which is given a little extra weíght).

Now let's consider what would happen if there were only you and your competitor in your industry (if only that could be true!) and your site still had those ten pages while your competitor's site contained one hundred pages. Furthermore, your competitor set it up the same way as you where he added a link to every page on his site that pointed to his product page. If all other things were equal, his product page would outrank your product page every time. Why? Because he had 100 internal links pointing to his product page and you only had 10.

If you put all these pieces together now, on-page optimization, off-page optimization or link building, content creation and internal linking, can you begin to see why a blog may be a good thing? A blog helps with all of these.

A blog that is regularly updated is providing a mechanism for adding fresh content on a regular basis. Plus, it's so easy to use a blog that anyone can use them, so even if you or your employees don't know a thing about Web pages and HTML, you'll still be able to add new content to your site.

Consider this. If you add fresh, quality content to your blog on a regular basis by writing posts, something the search engines love, and within each post you link to an important page within your site, let's say your product page for instance, you're now building links to help your rankings using your blog. With this additional link your product page gets that much more boost in the search engines.

Remember how I explained that links from within your site help your rankings? Adding links within your blog posts pointing back to your other important pages that you want to rank well is a great way to help your rankings.

And every time you publish a new post, you're giving the search engines one more entry point into your site. Your site will quickly get bigger, and with each new page your site gets more visible.

Keep in mind that the links you make within your blog posts should be relevant. Only link to your product page from a post that has to do with your products. And also, blog posts ought to be useful to your site visitors. The less you talk about your products and instead offer useful, free information that people can use, the more traffíc and repeat visitors you'll get.

Remember that people really don't care about you, your website or your products, they only care about how you can help them. If you sell furniture, a blog post about how to find the best deals on furniture would be far better than a post about how your chairs are the best in the world.

One important thing to remember is that if you plan on creating a new blog for your business as a way to augment your website be sure you put the blog on your actual domain. This means that you would not use a remote service like Instead, you must have the blog on your business website's address (or domain). For example, if your website address is then your blog should be located at or

By adding a blog to your business website you are creating a way to get additional traffic. You'll get direct traffic from your posts, which get indexed by the search engines and drive traffic to your site from searches. And, you'll get indirect traffic from your other site's pages ranking well in the search engines because they have links pointing to them from your blog posts.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ecco Mailbox For Your Surprising Daily

A mailbox has a surprise factor in it. The owners will never know what’s inside until they open it. They never know what letter will come to their mailbox, who is the sender, and to whom the letter is addressed until they check the mailbox; whether it is a love letter, or a bill, whether it is an acceptance letter, or a rejection letter, whether it is a good news, or bad news. A mailbox adds morning fun surprise in your life, you will always curious about what is in it every morning, though it’s not always a good thing.

To keep the surprise factor color your day, ecco mailbox bring to you ecco mailboxes in many beautiful designs for your outdoor or your entryway. If you like the wall mounted mailbox style, ecco wall mount mailbox has some designs you may like. You can choose whether you like a classic simple design, a minimalist design, or a Victorian design. If you like a minimalist design, ecco e7 mailbox is the right choice for you. It is made of brass and only has some simple details. It is available in copper, bronze, antique copper, black pewter, satin brass, and nickel color. For Victorian design with many details of thorny Victorian style carving, you can choose ecco e6 mailbox. These Victorian mailboxes are made of aluminum and available in green, black, white, brown, bronze, and brass color. There is also a very simple design for you who are practical and don’t like your mailbox to have many details. You can choose ecco e4 mailbox to put in your entrance or outdoor. There is also ecco e8 mailbox which is a Victorian tower mailbox. It is suitable for your outdoor and adding a graceful touch to your house.

Friday, October 23, 2009

6 Tips To Increase Google Adsense Revenue

There are 6 tips in playing google adsense can be applied. Did not produce significant effects, but enough to boost revenue. Just info that different web, different content, will generate money that is not the same, although the ad placement techniques and it is also exactly the same template!.

6 Tips To Increase Google Adsense Revenue

1. FIT place.
Most websites place CONTENT or content of the article in the middle of the page, for it would be better if you put Google Adsense ADS on this position. Place 1 google adsense ads on your posts. This will allow the reader to 'SEE' your ad, and hopefully you will click on ads

2. Use the Large Rectangle ad (336 × 280).
Most people prefer to install the "Leaderboard" (ad size 728 × 90) or "Wide Skyscraper" (ad size 160 × 600). This is a fatal mistake!. Why? Because it would only show that the area is the area of ADS. So that the readers will stay away (because they know that the actual links are advertisements)

3. Remove Border from your ads (the area surrounding the line advertising).
By removing the border, your ad will look like a link related to the article that you created (and is not considered advertising). How to remove border of the ad is simple, which is equated with a color border color background your blog or website. With this step, the possibility of clicks from readers will be greater.

4. Adjust Font usage.
Wherever possible, use the font (the posts), the size and type font similar to google adsense owned. Because I edit the font from google adsense is impossible (and also against the TOS), it would be better to give in your reply and change the font of your post.

5. Use the same color.
Use the same color between articles and ads will minimize the 'suspicions' of the reader to assume that the link is an ad. For example, if the content of your post is black, and the link in your post is blue, then set your google ads with the same color.

6. Not too many 'distraction'.
Using lots of colors, the settings are blogs that will enhance your image viewing your blog AAU website. But if google adsense is something that you look for in a blog or website, things are slightly above disadvantage. Too many animated banner will only be 'interesting' eyes the reader to see the banner and 'cosmetic' else in your blog or website. So they will not 'have time' to see your ad.

6 tips above to be able to assist you in increasing clicks from Google ads, but it is not a guarantee!. It's just tips. Once again, each site will have different characteristics. These tips might work well in BLOG A, but not useful in BLOG B. So, will we a lot better to try and analyze, what is good hal2 be done, and what should be on leave.

Once again, try-try, and analysis. That's the key.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

9 Tips For Effective Website Content (part-2)

Before you read this post, please read the previous post.

5 - Use Simple Language

Another area where statistics and figures differ is in the comprehension level of website readers. No matter which figures you listen to, though, one point is clear - we simply can't process information as well when reading from a computer. Use simple language, avoid jargon that isn't necessary or clearly defined, and engage your readers using language that everybody can understand.

6 - Use Short Paragraphs And Shorter Sentences

A paragraph should contain text relating to a single, simple idea. When you reach the conclusion of that idea, you should also reach the end of that paragraph. Paragraphs should contain no more than 70-80 words where possible. If a paragraph requires fewer words then make it shorter. The same goes for sentences.

7 - Make It Easy To Scan

Shorter paragraphs, more concise pages, and good headers make a page easy to scan. So too do bullets and lists. Add formatting such as bold and italicised text, quotes, and even hyperlinked text to make the page easier to scan. Remember to use a degree of caution, however, because a page that consists of different formatting techniques will be very difficult to read and understand. Many readers will simply close your page and move on.

8 - Write Objectively

We've already discussed how Internet users are impatient and find it difficult to digest information; they're also a highly sceptical bunch that will take convincing of virtually anything you have to say. Use objective language and avoid the use of too much marketing fluff. Avoid exaggerated claims such telling readers that yours is the best product in the world and instead show them why - convince them to come to that conclusion on their own and you will enjoy better results for your effort.

9 - One Idea Per Paragraph, One Subject Per Page

A single paragraph should contain a single idea and a single page should cover one topic. If a page is becoming too wordy because it includes information on other subjects, then break it down and hyperlink to those other pages. For longer pages remember the bookmark function and use it wisely to help readers navigate their way around your site and take in all of the information that you have to offer.

Giving Visitors What They Want

Web readers may be a difficult bunch, they may take a while to digest information and they may need convincing of every single point you deliver but they are essential. They can become long term, loyal customers, as long as you give them what they want and that's why we love them so much. If you don't have the time or the resource to write your own compelling and effective website content then consider using professional copywriters.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

9 Tips For Effective Website Content (part-1)

Web readers may be a difficult bunch, they may take a while to digest information and they may need convincing of every single point you deliver but they are essential. They can become long term, loyal customers, as long as you give them what they want.
Writing for the Internet is a different skill to writing for paper print or paper publications. Website readers digest smaller amounts of information in less time when compared to reading from paper.

This means that website content needs to be very well organised, concise, well formatted, and appealing. Throw in the proper use of search engine keywords, a powerful Call To Action (CTA), your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), and the natural scepticism of web users and it's easy to see why many website owners use professional content writers.

1 - Use An Inverted Pyramid Style Of Writing

The inverted pyramid style of writing means getting your point across early in the text. Web readers are an impatient bunch and they need to know that the page they're reading is relevant. Include a summary or conclusion of the page's main points at the beginning of the text and then elaborate on this as you progress.

2 - Make It Concise

As well as being impatient, web readers aren't able to digest and process information as well on a computer screen as they are on paper. There are masses of studies and numerous sets of data giving statistics on this, but the general point is that basic pages need to be between a third and a half of the length they would be on paper. Try to aim for 300-500 words for web pages, with longer pages for technical articles, newsletters, and other web based publications.

3 - Use Headers And Sub-Headers

Headers and sub-headers not only enable you, as the writer, to properly structure the page; they also enable the reader to scan through and find the information that is most pertinent to them. Don't try anything too clever with your headers and do ensure that they are relevant and informational.

4 - Use Bullets And Lists

Bullets and lists are another method of enabling readers to quickly navigate around a page and grab the most important information. Many readers will simply scroll down a page and if no information jumps out at them then they won't read anything. Prevent these readers from clicking away from your website by offering bite sized chunks of information.

To be continued...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Google Hot Trends USA - 18 Oktober 2009

One way to increase blog traffic visitors from the USA is to fill the writing on the blog with a variety of keywords that are highly sought by the people in the USA. To do this we could use the help of usa google hot trends. Google Hot Trends is a tool that serves to search for keywords that are widely used by people in the usa today. The following is one of the keywords that are highly sought by the people in the usa, These data obtained on 18 0ktober 2009:

Bcs standings 2009, columbus marathon, yankees angels game 2, hurricane rick projected path, jasper howard, balloon boy charges, detroit marathon, sweat lodge ceremony, detroit free press marathon, uconn stabbing, des moines marathon, what is mystery google, did the yankees win last night, headless horseman loot 2009, denver marathon 2009, grand rapids marathon, bay state marathon, pumpkin carving designs free, battery tender, wow hallow s end 2009, twitter down,shannyn sossamon, making strides against breast cancer 2009, ninja master prep, walmartmoneycard, hunsader farms, nike women s marathon, maple soccer, out with it achievement, jonathan eakman, mayumi heene wiki, two guys garage, didier farms, motorola droid, towson university, omm soccer, weather miami, crashing the wickerman festival,martina mcbride, darkcaller yanka.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hughesnet Satellite Internet

Well, who knows that internet explorer has helped the world to be more efficiently conducted. Internet helps students to get the more up to date information about unlimited things. Internet makes people get close to the world power that nowadays is wrapped in the system so called website. Not only that, internet also helps students in terms of giving the facility to submit the tasks from their teacher on line. That is a step into a better world because time is so forcing today. The other example is dealing with the capability of networking relationship. A company can create a good relationship to the other ones in order to make the bigger outcome or anything. Or else, the connection will be too slow and cost a lot of money.

Satellite Internet answers the problems of internet speed of connection. One of the best satellite internets is hughes net satellite internet. This is an internet service that provides fifty times faster speed than the other provider. This service is also so affordable for youngster and everyone. Hughes Net satellite enables you to download anything right under your palm. They have professional staff that will help you to set the internet properly. Under their guidance your internet will be perfectly working under high speed connection.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Solution for Bad Credit

When come to your life a situation where you need much money, what you used to do? Try to get some credit? Well, credit can really help you to rebuild your life. But, borrowing money is not a simple deal.

Some of us are trapped in bad credit. And before everything is too deep to drown us, you have to fix your credit. A help in making report of credit repair will be very urgent. You need the assistance from professional. Fortunately, the help and anything about credit, including improve credit can be found in internet.

It will be my choice if anytime I have to fix my credit. It will be very risky if I let my self having bad credit. There are some disasters that can happen in any credit report. You can have unpredictably bankruptcy, so that you cannot do the payment on time. Seek the help that enable you to have a consultation about your credit problem. Be hurry to fix bad credit. For information, repair credit is your right. However, some of us just have no clue what to do. Professional help and service will be very useful to solve your problem in correct way.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Top 10 Firefox Browser Plugins ( Part-2 )

For Top 10 Firefox Browser Plugins no. 1-5 Please click here

6. Quirk Search Status. Search Status allows you to see how any web site you visit is performing. When you land on a page, SearchStatus lets you view its Google PageRank, Google Category, Alexa popularity ranking, ranking, SEOmoz Linkscape mozRank, Alexa incoming links, Alexa related links and backward links from Google, Yahoo! and MSN. This combined search-related information means you can view not only the link importance of a site (according to Google and Linkscape), but also its traffic importance (according to Alexa and Compete), so providing a balanced view of site efficacy. I use this all the time to determine whether a site has enough traffic to warrant accepting a joint venture proposal.

7. Scrapbook. ScrapBook helps you to save Web pages and easily manage your saved collections. Major features are: saving web pages or snippets of a page, saving a web site, organizing the collection in the same way you do bookmarks, full text search and quick filtering search of the collection, and editing of your collected pages.

8. Session Manager. Session Manager helps you manage your Firefox tabs. If you visit the same sites every day, all you need do is open all the sites in separate tabs and/or windows, and then use Session Manager to save the session with a distinct name. Then, you simply go to Tools > Session Manager, pick your session, and all the windows and tabs open up just as you saved them. And, Session Manager tracks your sessions as you surf, and if Firefox (or your system) crashes, you can recover the selection of tabs you had open when it crashed.

9. Tabs Open Relative. Tabs Open Relative makes all new tabs open to the right of the current tab, rather than at the far right of the tab bar. This reduced a huge annoyance I had with how the Firefox browser worked.

10. XMarks. XMarks (formerly Foxmarks) provides seamless bookmark synchronization between your computers and browsers via their synchronization server. Your bookmark (and optionally password) data is securely stored and backed up on their servers and is available online, as well. After you install the add-on, click on the notification to set up Xmarks and start backing up and synchronizing your bookmarks. Install Xmarks on each computer you use, and it seamlessly integrates with your web browser and keeps your bookmarks safely backed up and in sync across all of your computers. Secure Password Sync is an optional Xmarks feature.

Note: To locate these, search for the plug-in extensions here:

Source: Email from SitePro News

Top 10 Firefox Browser Plugins ( Part-1 )

About a year ago I fired Internet Explorer as my primary browser. Why? Because it crashed on me constantly and took forever at times to transition from one site to another. I've found the Firefox browser much more user friendly, especially given the number of plugins that have been developed for the browser.

The ability to customize Firefox with these plug-in extensions is what makes this open-source browser so special. However, there are so many available options for plugins, it's tough to know what's worth installing and what will be a complete waste of your time.

There are lists of Firefox plugins that have been created citing the best extensions for web developers or for a better YouTube experience. However, I wanted to create an everyday list of my best choices just for the ordinary online business owner.

Out of these, here are my top 10 Firefox extensions:

1. Adblock Plus. If you have ever been annoyed by all those ads and banners on a site that often take longer to download than everything else on the page, install Adblock Plus and get rid of them. Right-click on a banner and choose "Adblock" from the context menu, and the banner won't be downloaded again.

2. Colorful Tabs. This simple add-on makes a strong colorful appeal. It sets each tab to a different color and makes them easy to distinguish while beautifying the overall appearance of the interface. After a long day of research when you have lots of browser windows open, this makes online page viewing easier on the eyes.

3. ColorZilla. ColorZilla puts an eyedropper icon in your status bar. Click it and you'll get a crosshair cursor. As you run this over a Web page, the RGB values of the pixel under the crosshair will display in the status bar, both as three separate values and as a hex value (e.g., R:255, G:255, B:255 | #FFFFFF). I use this all the time if I'm trying to match colors; i.e. a font color to an the primary background on an image, for example.

4. GMail Manager. This Gmail notifier is great if you have multiple Gmail accounts. It allows you to receive new mail notifications along with viewing account details including unread messages, saved drafts, spam messages, labels with new mail, space used, and new mail snippets.

5. MeasureIt. After installing this extension, you'll have a small ruler icon on the left side of your status bar. When you click on it, your browser window will fade out a little, and you'll have a crosshair cursor. Drag the cursor over a section of the screen that you want to measure. Next to the box is its height and width, measured in pixels. I use this all the time when trying to measure the size of images. When you're finished, just hit the Escape key to turn it off and return to normal viewing of the page.

Source: Email from SitePro NewsRata Penuh

Friday, October 9, 2009

How To Get Fake Pagerank

Here's How to Get Pagerank as you wish (fake pagerank):

1. Find the pagerank that you want, then look for websites that have a pagerank that you want. Example: If you want a pagerank 9, it can use the address from the following facebook

2. Copy paste the following code in your theme header.php file or in the file index.php in the main file wordpress
3. Your link to your domain's web pages indexed by google

4. Wait google pagerank update

Download script code


Thursday, October 8, 2009

All About Pagerank, Alexarank and Backlink

PageRank is a patented algorithm that serves to determine which website is more important / popular. PageRank is one of the main features of the Google search engine and created by its founder, Larry Page and Sergey Brin who is a Ph.D. student Stanford University.

AlexaRank is a rank or rating made by to measure your blog traffic and then from that comes taffrik rank or rating. The smaller the better the ranking the same traffic to your blog

BackLink is a link or links obtained by our site from other sites. For example, site A links to site B, this means the site B just got a backlink from site A. It also means, site B currently has 1 backlinks fruit.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Select TV channel Cheap and Quality

TV broadcast is an entertainment that we need when we are at home or when we are in a place to relax. Especially now that every place crowded, broadcast TV is mounted. You don’t have to bother looking for TV broadcast. But, if you have to watch broadcast television outside your home? With no relax circumstances? Do you still want to be like that?

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Sunday, October 4, 2009

Step by Step Instruction About How to Upgrage Your Laptop (part-2)

This is a continuation of the previous article about Step by Step Instruction About How to Upgrage Your Laptop (part-1) I hope you've read it.


Upgrading the processor: -

Lift the lever of CPU socket for releasing processor’s pins. You can now pick up the processor and put it aside. Be strictly gentle, lest you should bend the pins. Now take the new processor. Locate triangular mark at one of the corners. Match this to triangular notch on CPU socket. When you find it, insert the processor carefully into the socket. Check if all pins are properly inserted. Lower the lever and make sure that it is secured back in proper place. Apply some heat sink compound on the surface of processor –not too little or too much. While it is done, processor has been upgraded. Now, put the heat sink in place towards the end with all other open parts. Note that while handling the processor, use small plastic container and keep it in cool and dry place.

Upgrade Hard Drive: - Everyone wants some extra room for storage. In the most modern laptops, the 2.5 inch hard drive is slid into the slot which houses SATA power and the data connectors. Slide hard drive out from slot and replace it with new one. However, in older note books there is a casing which houses 2.5 inch hard drive. That casing is fastened into chassis. Unscrew the casing to make sure that you do not shap connectors. Just release the hard drive from connectors and open the casing. Then replace old hard drive.

Step – 6:-
Upgrade Memory Modules: - This is a simple matter. Latest laptops will open from base and RAM modules will be accessed from here. The old laptop will open from base but only for RAM modules. Other upgrades have to be completed opening the keyboard. Of course method of upgrading RAM is the same for all the laptops.

Hold clamps with one finger at either side and pull then apart gently. RAM module will automatically pop out. Just take it out of slot and slide new module into slot. Ensure that you press module all way down until the clamps clicks end also secures modules in place.

Reassembling: - Bring all the screws, heat sink back panel of laptop back to one place. First, you need to connect keyboard’s data ribbon. Just pull the lever upwards. Insert ribbon, push lever back in place for securing the ribbon. Place heat sink the top of processor; slide it little for spreading heat sink compound. Fasten screws back in place. For power cables of fan, insert them into respective slots. Screw the back panel into right place. While it is done, you have just upgraded your laptop yourself.

When the job for upgrading your laptop is well done, there is no reason that you are absolutely free from further bothering regarding your laptop. Unfortunately, your laptop may hang, restart automatically and become sluggish. This is because; dust, water, moisture as well as heat may cause the above problems. If problem arises, do not neglect your laptop rather undergo another cleaning process and continue a trouble-less computing. If no trouble is noticed, you should also clean your laptop periodically.


Step by Step Instruction About How to Upgrage Your Laptop (part-1)

Now-a-days Laptops are no more a big matter of a business enterprise or of a high salaried executives. It is a part your daily life. Even smart children are utilizing their laptops for game culture. These have crossed the boundary of luxury. But day by day the technologies of the laptops are getting advanced in their components. If this continuously happens, what will you do with your old laptop? Of course, you need to upgrade it. Since the mechanism of a laptop is much move critical than that of a desktop, opening a laptop is risky as a whole. Let us go through a step-by-step guide for the job of upgrading laptops.

Upgrading: - All laptops are not same, rather they differ in design and configuration. It is not possible to apply the procedure to all kinds of laptops in general. Let us go through an old laptop and a new laptop. First of all, we need to know how to open up a laptop for replacing or upgrading the internal core components such as RAM, Processor and hard drive. Before trying to open a laptop, ensure that the laptop is completely powered off. If connected to a wall socket, it is wise to unplug the connector.

Step- 1:-

Open the laptop: - Most of the modern laptops are to be opened from the base. If your laptop opens, simply open back flap and go to step-2. Those laptops that do not open from under the keyboard, don’t bother looking at back. Watch closely at edge of the keyboard. You will find latches on the chassis which secure keyboard from all the sides. Use flat screw driver, just push the latcher down and pull keyboard out. But take caution it is not completely detached. The data ribbon is inside the port on motherboard. For releasing data ribbon, use fingers to carefully pull lever from both sides. Gently pull the ribbon till it is out of slot.

Step- 2:-

Remove the Heat sink: - Now you are to remove heat sink for exposure the processor underneath. Therefore, unscrew the heat sink from chassis and keep screw in the safe place. In case of losing them, it will be difficult to finding replacements. Heat sink has fans which are to connected to motherboard. Ensure that you remove connections before pulling heat sink out. When it is complete, you will now take heat sink out of chassis. If your laptop have not undergone any service recently, you will discover plenty of dirt within.


Clean the laptop: - Use 1 inch or 1.5 inch brush for brushing off dust accumulated on motherboard and chassis. Use a hand blower to blow out the remaining dust away. While you will find no more dust coming out of your computer, prepare for upgrading the processor.


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Best Satellite Internet Service

Satellite internet service is a popular internet connection, because it has great speed and it is reliable.. You can enjoy the great speed they offer in such a low price. One of the satellite internet service providers is Wild Blue, you can find them at I really recommend them, I will tell you why do I recommend this service.

At Wild Blue you can get the best deals of high speed satellite internet starting from $99.95. You will be happy to leave the dial-up and enjoy fast browsing with download speed up to 1.5 Mbps and upload up to 256Kbps. I must say that, this wild blue internet service offer a great deal. You will be satisfied to use this satellite internet, because my family and I have been very satisfied with the service they offer.

So if you are in the need of speed, leave your dial-up connection, it is time to move faster, move to the satellite internet now. Enjoy fast browsing, downloading, anything you want. If you have decided to make an order you can visit their website at and order online. Or make a call at 1-866-510-1344 and enjoy the speed that you always desire. PS : Visit new technology blogs if you want to.