Getting money from the paid to review (PTR) program is an easy way and liked by much bloggers. Because the system works very easily. Here we will be paid every time we make a review of a products that offered by the advertiser. We can review very much products depends on what the product will be offered, such as electronics, travel, hotels, credit cards, website, golf clubs, etc.
One of the new PTR website online are The rules is same with other PTR programs. That advertisers put their products to LinkFromBlog, then bloggers will write a review about their product and publish it on their blog. To follow this program you must follow all the rules that have been determined. For making review, usually the word that required to use is 100 words to 600 words each article review, but it certainly depends on the advertiser request.
Most of these websites pay you with PayPal which is something I love because I am constantly using pay pal online for bills, transactions, transfers, and business reasons such as paying for hosting or web design.
So what you waiting for? try to join at for getting income from your blog.